Really excellent beer selection unrivaled by anywhere except The Whining Pig. Even more games than the Whining Pig including a Sega Genesis, Super Nintendo, and original Nintendo.
The bartender was absolutely militant about insisting that "we are nothing like the Whining Pig. The owners are not the same, we're not at all like them". She seemed actually angry about it. The name is obviously close, the owner used to own the Whining Pig, the chalk board lists are the same, the room is set up the same, the games are the same, the music is the same, there are literal identical food offerings plus a slightly expanded menu, the bulding ia the same down to the tiles on the wall. Yet she was so insistent that the two were vastly different that she was almost rude about it. Strange.
In spite of the militant attitude regarding being SO different than Whining Pig this place is solid. Just enough room to keep a very intimate atmosphere, plenty of games, and a separate large room for big parties or stretching. Oh..and the beer selection. Don't forget the beer selection