Brought wife's car in to have front brake pads replaced, and suprise suprise she needed all this work done totaling about $800. The repairs I can agree with bc they brought me back and showed me everything and I am semi knowledge in car brake systems, so we had the work done, and about 3 months later had to return car for a squeak in front brakes when braking, they fixed it and it was good, then about 3 months later the brakes were shuttering when braking, so had to take it back again, they called me and said they machined the rotors and said new pads were under warranty but labor was not and they wanted a brake flush, I never consented to any work so them machining the rotors was their own choice, the other charges were going to be $150, I said no put it back together and I'm picking it up and I'm not paying for a single thing, went to pick it up and walked out. 4 years I have had this car and the first just brakes trip has been a bad experience, and I will never return.