It is sad that this once ok never great steak house has gone to the bottom of the pile. The newest of their many different locations over the years is in a difficult spot to find in Thornhill and the plaza like the restaurant is low end. The owners have been at this for a long time and are now just so tired so they do not care. The food has gone downhill, only the prices are still high. Due to their lack of sales everything is on a budget, the food, the service, the sides, etc. Imagine a family steak house that is closed on Sunday. Imagine the side of pickles and salad that come with the meal reduced to a size so small that it looks strange in the dish. Imagine the meat the heart of this steak house now low end chewy and gross. It is too bad that the owners let this place slide to the bottom of the pile. Now also imagine that the owners are downright nasty rude. Never a please, no thank you, not even good bye when you make a reservation, they just hang up. Then if you arrive around opening time, good luck as you wait for someone to show up, no apologies just eventually the door opens and the long wait for service begins.