Normally not a fan of Chinese, this was much better than most I've had. (And that's a compliment coming from me). This place was bustling at 7:30pm on a Friday night but our carryout order was on time. I was lucky enough to have someone with me so we could double-park, otherwise you may struggle to pick up your food as this is right off of State St.
I ordered the veggies & shittake mushroom (added tofu, a girl needs her protein, for $1,50). Glad I did as the "veggies" otherwise were simply bok choy and shittakes. The veggies were plump, flavorful, and fresh. The tofu was lightly fried and not too greasy. The sauce wasn't too heavy but also was on the bland side, it could have used a bit more flavor (not spice, I'm talkin' flavor here), The Kung Pao chicken got rave reviews at our house for being delicious and not too greasy (take note other Chinese restaurants, you're tooooo greeeeeeasy). The steamed veggie dumplings ($4.50) were perfectly fine, but nothing I'd write home about.
All in all, if we were to order Chinese carryout again, this would be the place.