Me and my family have been going to 7 Hills Car Wash for several years now and while there has been a noticeable decline in the quality of work and customer service lately, I always gave them the benefit of the doubt and attributed it to the fact that maybe they were just having a bad day.
However, a recent incident there has angered me to a point where I thought to myself, enough was enough and I had to say something.
On 4 Apr 18, I brought my car in to be washed and was told when I arrived they were running a special, 2 for 1 on the $31.95 wash. When I paid the cashier, she told me to bring in the receipt the next time I come to receive the second car wash and that's exactly what I did on Tue, 17 Apr 18. As soon as I told the attendant at the drive-up that I had a 2 for 1 receipt, he looked a bit puzzled, but politely asked me if I could wait a minute as he needed to speak with the manager, later identified as R.J. I saw R.J and the attendant talking at the side entrance and after they finished, the young man came over to me and said that the 2 for 1 is only good for the same day of service and that I would have had to use the special on 4 Apr 18. When I told him that nobody informed me of that when I purchased the special, he said there was nothing he could do to help me.
After being told this, I went inside and saw the same man the attendant was speaking with earlier and asked if he was the manager (R.J). He said he was and I explained the situation to him. Being a long term, regular customer and having spent literally thousands of dollars there over the years washing my family's 4 cars, I felt certain he would rectify the situation. Unfortunately, this isn't what happened. R.J explained the 2 for 1 policy to me and after telling him that nobody informed me of this when I made the purchase, he simply brushed off my concern and said that the girl who was working the register that day was a new employee and must have gotten if it were my fault. R.J then quickly told me there was nothing he could do to help me. After asking him for an exception to policy based upon my long term business, he shook his head and re-stated there was nothing he could do. At this point, I told him his decision was very near sighted and that if he didn't fix the problem, I would take my business elsewhere. Hearing this, with his arms crossed, gave me a very condescending smile and said "good bye". At this point, my wife and I retrieved my car and we left.
It should be noted, that during my entire exchange with R.J, he was rude, sarcastic, curt and answered with a sassy attitude one would not expect from a manager. The whole exchange was uncomfortable, unnecessary and most of all, unprofessional. If he worked for me and treated one of my customers in such a manner, I would have fired him on the spot.
I will not return to 7 Hills Car Wash ever again and would advise the readers of this review to do likewise.