I was the one out of both my husband and I that wanted to see this show. My choices were between Fantasy and X Burlesque, and Fantasy had better reviews, so we went with this one. First of all, the host Lorena, was fantastic. She's stunningly beautiful and she has a great singing voice. The ladies doing the dance numbers and taking their tops off are fine, but not extraordinary in any way. I feel like I've seen more sex appeal in fully-clothed music videos than in this show. The dancing was fine, but as another review stated, not sensual in any way.
Second, if the comedy act was advertised, I must have missed it somewhere. The comedy part of the show easily took up at least 30-40 minutes, and it involved embarrassing one of the patrons and his wife on the front row. Involving audience members is fine, but after ten minutes, it's time to move on to something else. I didn't pay for a topless revue so I could watch an audience member act foolish on stage. Also, Sean E. Cooper was not for me. I'm sure some people loved him, but telling a woman on the front row to say, "I'm ready for chocolate" is not entertaining for me. Jokes about how wives keep their husband's member in their purse are old and tired. Nothing was too offensive, but it was just long and drawn out. The energy in the theater was dying slowly.
Third, half of the featured girls on the advertised poster were not in the show. There's short videos of featured ladies shown on the curtain before the show starts, and half of those weren't in the show either. I remember at least two of the ladies having the most awful wigs on, and it was very distracting. I get wanting to have some sort of anonymity if you're in a show like that, but at least invest in a decent wig.