We purchased a cooktop from Louie. Install guy from Dino's showed up and oops, he forgot to bring his saw for an adjustments for the cut out. Next day Dino's guy shows up again, installs cooktop, checks 1 burner & says "it works. Have a good night" and leaves. I try to use the induction and the entire cooktop FREAKS out and won't work. Call Dino's, repair guy comes back says "huh, I think I need to order a board". 5 days later he shows up with a new board. Gets everything installed & a horrible electrical burn smells invades my entire kitchen. Two repair guys are in the house now...one says "oh that's normal" the other one says "I've never encountered that. I'd call the manufacturer". We call Mesa TV & Appliance, speak to Louie thinking certainly he will help us. Nope. We call the manufacturer who sends out yet another repair guy, different company. This guy tells us it's a fire hazard & he recommends replacement. Manufacturer says within the first 30 days it falls on the sales store to replace. We call Louie again. He REFUSES to replace it. Says that everything we are telling him is the opposite of what everyone else is telling him. 3rd repair guy didn't say anything was wrong with it, manufacturer didn't say it was his responsibility to replace it. Basically called us a liar. When we asked him if he talked with Dino's repair guys - the ones HE sent out? "Uh, no, I didn't call them...". A simple call to either one of the repair guys from Dino's would have proven that there was a very definite electrical burn odor coming from the cooktop. But let's not investigate that. Let's just call your customer a liar, leave them without a cooktop for weeks, then try not to refund all their money until they call you on it. Sure, Louie may offer lower prices but at what cost?! There is no customer service behind his sales. He cares only about his commission then drops you as quick as he can! He claims that he spends massive amounts of time on the phone on your behalf yet when a phone call is made between us and the manufacturer he won't get on the call with us, claims he was never asked. Says the repair guy that wasn't from Dino's claimed we were argumentative....why would we be argumentative with someone who is there to help us?! Louie claims that the repair guy said nothing was wrong with the unit yet the slip the repair guy left for us flat out states there's an issue and he recommends replacement. Seriously?! On top of everything else, he promised us he would have the cooktop cleaned up prior to delivery, there was a bunch of glue residue all over the stainless steel. Was it cleaned up? No. I had to take care of that myself. The only one who can't seem to get his story right here is Louie. He'd rather insinuate that we are lying instead of making an effort to correct what he did wrong. Please, by all means, yell at your customer. That always helps an already poor situation. You'd think spending over $1400 on a cooktop with plans on buying several other appliances would encourage a salesman to do whatever he can to make things right. Not here. EVERY phone call and in person conversation I had with Louie post sale he blamed someone else for whatever was happening..."I can't speak for Dino's", "I can't speak for the manufacturer", "I can't, I can't, I can't"...that's all we heard from him. I would rather spend more money at another family owned business or even a big box store than I would spend a dime at Mesa TV & Appliance. I will NEVER shop there again. I will NEVER refer anyone there. If I hear someone singing their praises I will be SURE to tell them of our experience and tell them to look out! Pray you don't have any issues. This has been a complete waste of our time!