Ever order at the counter at Wild Flower or Pei Wei, only to find there is no where to sit down? This hip new burger bar takes counter service to the next level. Staff, wearing T-shirts with slogans like "because your mine, I walk the line" greet you in line, and hand you a ticket with your reserved table number. Want a specific table? No worries, they will save it for you.
The special of the day was a "Boris" which piled tender pastrami and juicy sour krout on top of a tasty chicken burger. It came on a super soft freshly baked bun with lettuce, tomato and onion for $9. Fries were $3 more but they were thin, crispy and had bits of parsley mixed in. Very tasty.
The drink options include choices like Blueberry Root giving their self service fountain a fun twist but there is a single Diet Coke option hidden among the more adventurous flavors. (I found this out when in a panic I asked a passing bus girl "what if I just want a Diet Coke?!" and she replied "then you push the Diet Coke button")
The milk shake flavors go way beyond strawberry, chocolate and vanilla with options like Red Velvet and Sea Salt Caramel. I actually tasted chunks of sea salt in mine! There is no $5 value menu here. The total for a burger, fries, soda and shake came to just over $20, for one person, but it was enough to share which I did. What? did you really think I ate all that by myself? Don't answer that.
PS I saw an interesting drink go by on a tray, which looked like a frozen margarita with a full upside down Corona bottle sticking out of it. Turns out it was exactly what it looked like. It is called a Skinny Dip. Apparently the beer empties into your glass as you drink your margarita. Hmmm might have to "share" that one next time....