Hmm, I've recently been coming more often, to get some school work done.
There are a few things that could improve:
- the coffee is fine
- they usually run out of pastries and yogurt/snacks at around 6ish-so that's not so good for business, I'd buy more food snack items -if you had more available.
- their cream/milk bar was out of both, until I brought it to their attention and literally passed over the containers, they filled the containers and then passed them back to me, so that I could put them back (does someone owe me a tip?)
-There seem to be issues connecting to their wireless every now and then.
- Washroom:
*The last time I used the washroom, there were specks of blood splattered in one of the stalls (across the floor, on the door, as if someone had had a horrible cutting accident (and it was dry-which means it probably was there for a while) - super gross, thank goodness there was a second stall.
*Another time there was no toilet paper. Just... no.
I don't know if its the staff or the management here, but it's pretty slacky. The people that work here seem nice enough, they just don't seem to care enough (compared to other Starbucks locations I've visited). It's also in a bit of a shady location, so I know it gets its cluster of shady people, but perhaps someone with a keener eye on detail would help the place flourish.