_:b1487248 _:b953575 . _:b634073 . _:b313721 . _:b633475 "Bene\u0161ov" . _:b1807348 . _:b2554421 _:b2341021 . _:b1807347 . _:b634074 . _:b2447921 _:b2234521 . _:b1487621 _:b634073 . _:b633474 "Bene\u0161ov" . _:b313721 "Composition of the dataset by the datasources: Corine Land Cover 2012 - 100.0% ;"@en . _:b634075 . _:b1594121 _:b953573 . _:b953574 . _:b207221 . _:b1807348 . _:b634073 . _:b634073 _:b313973 . _:b953575 . _:b1274248 . _:b634074 _:b313974 . . _:b634075 _:b313975 . _:b1807347 . _:b953573 . _:b1594347 . _:b2022894 "http://sdi4apps.eu/open_land_use/unit/bg341"^^ . _:b1807348 . _:b953574 . _:b1487247 . _:b1594348 . _:b953573 _:b1167147 . _:b953575 . _:b1594121 _:b1487247 . _:b313973 "Husova 2117" . _:b1807347 . _:b2022894 . _:b954148 . _:b953574 _:b1167148 . _:b953573 . _:b954147 . _:b2341021 . _:b313975 "Husova 2117" . . _:b313974 "Husova 2117" . _:b1594347 "GeoJSON download"@en . _:b1487621 _:b1914421 . _:b1807348 "WMS"@en . "Open Land Use Map in BGBGS2370247"@en . _:b1167521 . _:b633475 "256 01" . _:b633474 "256 01" . _:b633473 "256 01" . _:b207221 . _:b953573 "Help Service Remote Sensing s.r.o."@en . _:b953574 "Help Service Remote Sensing s.r.o."@en . _:b1807721 "2003/cor.1/2006" . _:b1274021 . _:b953575 "Help Service Remote Sensing s.r.o."@en . _:b313721 . _:b953573 _:b633473 . _:b953573 . _:b1274247 . _:b2022644 . _:b953575 _:b633475 . _:b633473 "Czech Republic" . _:b953575 . _:b953574 _:b633474 . _:b634073 . _:b953574 . _:b633475 "Czech Republic" . _:b1487247 . _:b634075 . _:b634074 _:b954148 . _:b633474 "Czech Republic" . _:b1594348 . _:b1274248 . _:b633473 . _:b1487621 "OLU.BGBGS2370247"^^ . _:b634074 . . _:b1274021 _:b2554421 . _:b634073 _:b954147 . _:b1594347 . _:b1594348 "WMS"@en . _:b2234321 . _:b633475 . _:b2022894 . _:b1594348 . _:b633474 . _:b1487621 . _:b1487248 . _:b1594347 . _:b1914221 "ISO 19115/INSPIRE_TG2/CZ4" . _:b1274021 . _:b1487621 _:b1274247 . _:b1807348 . "http://sdi4apps.eu/open_land_use/unit/bgbgs2370247"^^ . . _:b2020921 _:b1914221 . . _:b1807347 . _:b1594121 "2018-03-20"^^ . _:b1274248 . _:b1807347 "GeoJSON download"@en . _:b2234321 "26.691522 42.70944226.836302 42.821125"^^ . _:b313975 "256 01" . _:b1274021 _:b2447721 . _:b2127821 "\n {\"type\":\"Polygon\",\"crs\":{\"type\":\"name\",\"properties\":{\"name\":\"urn:ogc:def:crs:OGC:1.3:CRS84\"}},\n \"coordinates\":[[\n [26.691522,42.709442],\n [26.691522,42.821125],\n [26.836302,42.821125],\n [26.836302,42.709442],\n [26.691522,42.709442]\n ]]}"^^ . _:b313974 "256 01" . _:b1167521 _:b2447921 . _:b2127821 . _:b313973 "256 01" . _:b1487247 _:b953574 . "Open Land Use Map in BGBGS2370247. Statistical data: primary production - 91.58%, secondary production - 0%, tertiary production - 0%, transport networks, logistics and utilities - 0%, residential use - 4.26%, other uses - 4.17% ."@en . . _:b313973 . _:b2127821 "POLYGON((26.691522 42.709442,26.691522 42.821125,26.836302 42.821125,26.836302 42.709442,26.691522 42.709442))"^^ . _:b313975 . _:b1914421 "UTF-8"^^ . _:b1167148 . _:b633473 "Husova 2117" . _:b1167521 . _:b313974 . _:b1167147 . . _:b1594121 . _:b633475 "Husova 2117" . _:b1594121 "OLU.BGBGS2370247"^^ . _:b1807721 "ISO 19115/INSPIRE_TG2/CZ4" . _:b633474 "Husova 2117" . _:b1487621 "2018-03-20"^^ . _:b954147 . _:b1274247 . _:b1807347 . _:b2020921 "UTF-8"^^ . _:b1594348 . _:b1594348 . _:b1807348 . _:b1487621 . _:b1594347 . _:b954148 . _:b1594121 . _:b1807348 . _:b1167147 . _:b1594347 . _:b2127821 "26.691522 42.70944226.836302 42.821125"^^ . _:b313973 "Czech Republic" . _:b1807347 . "2018-03-20"^^ . _:b1594121 _:b2020921 . _:b313975 "Czech Republic" . _:b1594121 . _:b1167148 . _:b313974 "Czech Republic" . _:b2234321 "\n {\"type\":\"Polygon\",\"crs\":{\"type\":\"name\",\"properties\":{\"name\":\"urn:ogc:def:crs:OGC:1.3:CRS84\"}},\n \"coordinates\":[[\n [26.691522,42.709442],\n [26.691522,42.821125],\n [26.836302,42.821125],\n [26.836302,42.709442],\n [26.691522,42.709442]\n ]]}"^^ . _:b2341221 . _:b2234321 "POLYGON((26.691522 42.709442,26.691522 42.821125,26.836302 42.821125,26.836302 42.709442,26.691522 42.709442))"^^ . _:b2022644 "http://sdi4apps.eu/open_land_use/unit/bg341"^^ . _:b313973 "Bene\u0161ov" . _:b1594348 . _:b1594347 . _:b2234521 . . _:b313975 "Bene\u0161ov" . _:b1914421 _:b1807721 . _:b1914221 "2003/cor.1/2006" . _:b313974 "Bene\u0161ov" . _:b1487621 . _:b634073 "Help Service Remote Sensing s.r.o."@en . _:b1167521 _:b2341221 . _:b1274247 _:b634074 . _:b1487248 . _:b634074 "Help Service Remote Sensing s.r.o."@en . _:b1487248 . _:b634075 "Help Service Remote Sensing s.r.o."@en . _:b2022644 . _:b2447721 . _:b634074 . _:b634075 . _:b1274248 _:b634075 . _:b207221 "Composition of the dataset by the datasources: Corine Land Cover 2012 - 100.0% ;"@en . _:b633473 "Bene\u0161ov" .