"A) Most of the assemblage is currently in situ" . . "529" . . "C) Protected by both A and B above" . . . "31.6613"^^ . "Tel Ashkelon assembly 6.0" . "1.0"^^ . "Tel Ashkelon assembly 6.0" . "Ashkelon" . "Coastal sits: D10 Coastal settlement (tell) from historical periods, partly eroded by the sea" . "D) Coastal erosion by sea waves and rain runoff, in the nearshore and the coastal cliff" . . "Exceptionally high" . . . "Bitan M., Galili E., Spanier E. and Zviely D. 2020. Beach Nourishment Alternatives for Mitigating Erosion of Ancient Coastal Sites on the Mediterranean Coast of Israel. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 8(7), 509." . "6"^^ . "colonnaded wall - center (beach)" . "A) Underwater/coastal surveys/excavations IAA" . "34.5423"^^ . "7.0"^^ . "B) On the coast and can be visited by foot" . "E) On land" . "529"^^ .