"34.6948"^^ . "K-Yavne yam assembly 14.0" . "-4.0"^^ . "515"^^ . "A) Sand (1-3m thick) covering clay paleosol, occasionally exposed" . "Galili E. and Sharvit J. 1991. Yavne-Yam Anchorage, the Underwater Survey Finds. In M. Fisher ed. Yavneh-Yam Environment. Kibbutz Palmahim and Ariel. Pp. 111-121 (Hebrew). \nDATAIO_NULL\nGalili E. and Sharvit J. 2005. Underwater archaeological remains at Yavneh-Yam. In M. Fischer, ed. Yavneh, Yavneh-Yam and their Neighborhood pp 303-314, Tel Aviv University, Eretz (Hebrew).\nDATAIO_NULL\nGalili, E. (in prep.). The Yavneh-Yam anchorage archaeological project, final report. BAR International serie" . "Anchor stock made of marble (stolen from Palmachim museum yard)" . "Shipwrecks or other wrecks: B7 A single anchor probably lost while anchoring " . "515" . "C) Protected by both A and B above" . "A) Underwater/coastal surveys/excavations IAA" . . "High" . "F) Treasure hunting" . . "K-Yavne yam assembly 14.0" . . "Gan Ra've" . "31.9262"^^ . . . "F) Mostly retrieved and thus not available" . "14"^^ . . "-3.0"^^ . "D) Not in situ" . .