. "C) Citizen reporting" . "C) Protected by both A and B above" . "34.8878"^^ . . "Important" . . . . "32.4923"^^ . "Caesarea south of the harbor assembly 37.0" . "-4.0"^^ . "414"^^ . "C) Exposed rock" . "Caesarea south of the harbor assembly 37.0" . "F) Treasure hunting" . "Roman gold coins (retrieved by divers)" . "D) Mostly retrieved and thus not available" . . "Hof Hacarmel" . "414" . "37"^^ . . "Shipwrecks or other wrecsk: B3 Assemblage of a wrecked vessel and cargo lacking wooden hull" . "-3.0"^^ . "C) Not in situ" .