"The eastward motion of air, relative to near-surface eastward current; calculated as eastward_wind minus eastward_sea_water_velocity. A vertical coordinate variable or scalar coordinate with standard name \"depth\" should be used to indicate the depth of sea water velocity used in the calculation. Similarly, a vertical coordinate variable or scalar coordinate with standard name \"height\" should be used to indicate the height of the the wind component. A velocity is a vector quantity. \"Eastward\" indicates a vector component which is positive when directed eastward (negative westward)."@en .
"SDN:P07::TKTBY7J2" .
"false" .
"1" .
"2021-01-18 16:23:44.0" .
"accepted"@en .
"SDN:P07::TKTBY7J2" .
"eastward_air_velocity_relative_to_sea_water"@en .
"SDN:P07::TKTBY7J2" .
"1" .
"" .
"2021-01-18 16:23:44.0" .