"10.nV.s"^^ . . "1e-08"^^ . . . "\\(abv-sec\\)"^^ . "abv\u22C5s" . "The magnetic flux whose expenditure in 1 second produces 1 abvolt per turn of a linked circuit. Technically defined in a three-dimensional system, it corresponds in the four-dimensional electromagnetic sector of the SI system to 10 nWb, and is an impractically small unit. In use for some years, the name was agreed by the International Electrotechnical Committee in 1930, along with a corresponding practical unit, the pramaxwell (or pro-maxwell) = \\(10^{8}\\) maxwell."^^ . "Abvolt Second"@en . . . . . "http://www.oxfordreference.com/view/10.1093/acref/9780198605225.001.0001/acref-9780198605225-e-820"^^ .