"The Planck function, \\(B_{\\tilde{\\nu}}(T)\\), is given by:\n\\(B_{\\nu}(T) = \\frac{2h c^2\\tilde{\\nu}^3}{e^{hc / k \\tilde{\\nu} T}-1}\\)\nwhere, \\(\\tilde{\\nu}\\) is wavelength, \\(h\\) is Planck's Constant, \\(k\\) is Boltzman's Constant, \\(c\\) is the speed of light in a vacuum, \\(T\\) is thermodynamic temperature."^^ . . . . "\\(B_{\\nu}(T)\\)"^^ . . . "http://pds-atmospheres.nmsu.edu/education_and_outreach/encyclopedia/planck_function.htm"^^ . "http://ntrs.nasa.gov/archive/nasa/casi.ntrs.nasa.gov/19680008986_1968008986.pdf"^^ . "http://www.star.nesdis.noaa.gov/smcd/spb/calibration/planck.html"^^ . . . . "The \\(\\textit{Planck function}\\) is used to compute the radiance emitted from objects that radiate like a perfect \"Black Body\". The inverse of the \\(\\textit{Planck Function}\\) is used to find the \\(\\textit{Brightness Temperature}\\) of an object. The precise formula for the Planck Function depends on whether the radiance is determined on a \\(\\textit{per unit wavelength}\\) or a \\(\\textit{per unit frequency}\\). In the ISO System of Quantities, \\(\\textit{Planck Function}\\) is defined by the formula: \\(Y = -G/T\\), where \\(G\\) is Gibbs Energy and \\(T\\) is thermodynamic temperature."^^ . "http://www.iso.org/iso/catalogue_detail?csnumber=31890"^^ . . "Planck Function"@en .