"1"^^ . . "1"^^ . "2017-08-14T00:00:00"^^ . . "1"^^ . . "1"^^ . "And now the thrilling conclusion. \n\nTwo and a half weeks after the replacement parts showed up we finally got a Williams Sonoma delivery crew to come put the couch together. They got it done quickly and were amazed at the story. It looks great. \n\nSo we contacted the customer service representative we have been dealing with to discuss reimbursement. Back in May she told us that once everything was finished we would discuss the refund amount, but they based on the end of June estimated completion date she would offer 40%. \n\nExcept now - with it actually resolved the first week of August - she offered 20%. Clearly forgetting she put the 40% offer in writing. Incredibly insulting. You jerk us around for four months and then try to low-ball us when the service ended up being even worse as time went on. \n\nWe pointed the original estimate out to them and were forwarded to a supervisor who issued a 75% refund. \n\nSo that's the lifehack here folks. Buy the couch first week of February, get it delivered the first week of April but not assembled because they forgot to include the hardware, have it sit until the first week of August when they finally fix it, save $1800. It's as simple as that! \n\nSectional looks great though."^^ .