"1"^^ . "I here is conversation with the real esta agent Catherine Hyde 8 months ago and told her all the houses I was interested in. ..Here's what I got:\n\nCatherine Hyde:\nThe link you sent was broken ...it didn't take me anywhere? \n\n2 days ago I got another response from her...here's what I got:\n..\nHello. I'm following up. When we last spoke you were inquiring about a property for sale here in Las Vegas. Are you still interested? ~Catherine Hyde \n\nThis was my response to her:\n\nHello Catherine. ..\nI already bought a house cash but already we are looking to buy an auction, repo or bank owned.\nSue\n\nThis was Catherine's response:\nGood. Any particular budget or area?\n\nThis was my response:\nI'm waiting to see where the Raiders stadium is confirmed to go. We are wanting a place with rental income as well, with some sort of horse property. I found this house on my own....so if I have to look and search harder than the Realtor I won't use one as I didn't use one on this house.\nThank you. \nSue\n\nAgain this was Catherine's response :\n\nI see. Well, due to the size needed for a stadium there are only a few possible locations in the valley and they're actually really close. And prices will definitely go up once it's announced... So if you want to get in on the ground floor before anything happens. Let me know\n\nMy response:\n\nYes I realize this that's why I'm waiting to hear of thier new location. I have cash 160k in Equity. If you recall I am timeshare agent out here and my mother is a top million dollar seller in California. I don't need a sales pitch, or a rush job on this. I told you what I am looking for and if it is not something you can do please let me know as I can do the leg work. ...but I really don't want to. \nSue\n\nCatherine Hyde' response:\nI see. Well, due to the size needed for a stadium there are only a few possible locations in the valley and they're actually really close to one another. \n\nMy respons:\n\nCatherine. ...\nObviously you aren't listening or don't care.\n\n \nMy response:\n CURRENTLY JUST BOUGHT A HOUSE HERE IN VEGAS WITH CASH.... \nIM NOT LOOKING TO RUSH ANY THING....IM LOOKING FOR AN AUCTION. ...FORCLOSURE... OR BANK REPO.....\nI WAITING FOR THE LOCATION OF THE RAIDERS. .....WHAT COMPANY DO YOU WORK FOR? \n\nMy response:\nHello\n\n This is an agent that lost 2 good protects for me ... and then have the nerve to contact me again! \n\nFYI: U DON'T NEED A REAL ESTATE AGENT TO BUY OR SELL! ONLY A )\nLAWYER AND WORK WITH THE BROKER OF THE HOUSE FOR SALE! \n\nHello Catherine. ..\nI already bought a house cash but already we are looking to buy an auction, repo or bank owned.\nSue\n\nCatherine's response:\nObviously you aren't listening or don't care.\n\n I CURRENTLY JUST BOUGHT A HOUSE HERE IN VEGAS WITH CASH.... \n\nIM NOT LOOKING TO RUSH ANY THING....\n\nIM LOOKING FOR AN AUCTION. ...FORCLOSURE... OR BANK REPO.....\n\n\nI WAITING FOR THE LOCATION OF THE RAIDERS. .....\n\nWHAT COMPANY DO YOU WORK FOR? \n\nSUSAN WALLIS\n\n Catherine's response \nYou are not reading. I answered you. See above. And there's no need for the dramatics. We will stop contacting you.\n\nMy respons:\n\n SIMPLY VEGAS? SO YOU ARE A BROKER OR WITH A SMALL FIRM? YELP WILL HAVE A FIELD DAY WITH THIS SHIT! YOU CONTACTED ME A BLEW THE FIRST PURCHASE FOR ME BECAUSE OF THIS. GOOD LUCK! \nSUSAN WALLIS\n\nCATHERINE'S response:\nNONE!"^^ . "3"^^ . . . "0"^^ . . "1"^^ . "2016-08-30T00:00:00"^^ .