. . "In the classy mall that is home to Oggi's, Barro's, Firehouse\nSubs, and Ace Hardware there is a dollar store. Actually, just\ndrop a penny and make that a 99 cents store. I come here for\nnon-food items. Paper plates, paper towels, cleaning fluids,\nand stuff like that. I'm scared of the food here. The vegetables\nlook like they're moments away from expiration o'clock. I would\nalso check the expiration dates on any cans or bottles you get\nhere. An acquaintance in low places once mentioned that as a \ntruck driver with an addiction to unmentionable substances, he\nwould once in a while steal cargo from other truckers. And guess\nwhat kind of place readily accepts this kind of stuff no questions\nasked? Yup. 98 cents stores. This place is a penny more expensive\nso I'm sure that kind of stuff never happens here. They also have\nCDs and DVDs. I once tried to sell a bunch of old CDs to Bookman's.\nThe only thing they bought were the crappy dollar CDs of completely\nobscure crap bands that I bought in this store. Go figure!\nThe best thing about this place, though, is the fact that they have\n99 cent pregnancy tests right by the cashiers. Hey - even if it turns\nout to be wrong - it was only 99 cents!"^^ . "2012-05-31T00:00:00"^^ . "3"^^ . "1"^^ . "1"^^ . . "2"^^ .