"2"^^ . . "I've lived here going on three weeks now, and I have to side with those who state that this place is Shady. Yes, with a capital \"S\". \n\nIn the first 24 hours I lived here, among the issues that I had to deal with were an ant infestation in my kitchen (i.e., crawling all over my microwave, cabinets and stove area) and a 15+ year old washer that leaked water into the brand new carpeting. FIRST 24 HOURS. I had to push and push HARD to get some action from them on it. I was told by the salespeople in the front office that their pest control person probably wouldn't be able to make it out that day to take care of it. That they would reimburse me for any products that I might buy from say Home Depot, to control the ants. \n\nThis is after standing in the office for at least five minutes while the staff were in the back room chatting and I overheard one of them jokingly ask if anyone had \"contacted the guy in apartment ### yet who left a 30 minute message about ants in his apartment.\" \n\nReally? The proper response is if your regular guy isn't available, you call someone else until you find someone who is. Better yet, you have a contingency already mapped out to ensure that your tenants are taken care of. When your sole job and responsibility is customer satisfaction, be it in helping someone sign a lease or to ensure that those who have are well cared for, you do not tell jokes about a brand new tenant who has a kitchen that is unusable upon initial move in. \n\nThere have been several things since that make it very apparent that the owners do not in any way reinvest money back into this property. Everything from the condition of my apartment to the state of the grounds. Someone else mentioned the birds. It's not only ducks. There are a lot of pigeons as well, and at times there is bird/duck dropping covering the sidewalks. I've also seen quite a few feral cats around the property with babies in tow. The creek running throughout is a nice touch, however it gets very minimal attention from the staff that I've seen. I can occasionally smell the chemicals that they dump into it, but it's obvious by looking at the water itself, and more specifically the film on the rocks that line the creek bed, that they don't do much more than that. They have an obvious discoloration to them that is quite gross.\n\nOne of the shadiest things they do is when you first tour the property. The specific unit that they wish to rent you never seems to be available for viewing, but they are more than happy to show you a model. What they don't tell you, is that the model is *very* well kept in comparison to the rental units. They also don't take the time to point out that the model has several \"upgrades\" done to it. These upgrades are available to you once you realize they aren't already in your dwelling, which somewhat interested me at first. As such, I asked for a list of the upgrades, which they provided. I then took that sheet to the Lowe's down the street and, upon comparing the items and pricing, came to the realization that they are charging full retail price for these items - though you, the renter, do not get to keep these items once you leave. \n\nThe only saving grace I've encountered thus far is the politeness of the maintenance staff. I'm not certain what all they are charged with here, but they are nice enough. \n\nPerhaps I am spoiled. I spent the last 10 years living at Mark Taylor properties and, while they may be more expensive, they absolutely do NOT do business like this place does and they work very hard to keep their apartments and their grounds in spotless, top-notch condition. It would be one thing if Lakeview was MUCH less expensive than the surrounding establishments, but they aren't. And when you charge nearly mortgage level amounts for rent, then I expect to see my money be reinvested back into the property. I do not see that here and would recommend to anyone interested in living here to look elsewhere."^^ . "5"^^ . . . "12"^^ . "4"^^ . "2013-10-15T00:00:00"^^ .