. "0"^^ . "i like humble-pie.\nbut the owner walks around with a blown-up, laminated newspaper article proclaiming his famous bbq pork - like the proud mother of chess playing Wav-A-Lee in Joy Luck Club.\nhad he not, perhaps i might have thought, 'hey, this is different. check out the beans beneath. almost caramelized. sweet, but appropriate under the savoury-sweet pork. almost unique.'\nexcept! it just so happens that i've had similar while dining with my dad (who really, really knows his BBQ pork) and he wouldn't let me touch the stuff due to the \"marbling\" clumps of fat. call it father-daughter love, but i trust him and what I see. there's a very good reason to serve this stuff warm, lest one chew into a white congealed glob of white lard. \ncheap pork fat = fine. \nexpensive skill = fine.\ni dislike pricey pork fat and those who brag about it.\n\nif it's possible (i'm really not sure) ask for a lean cut. if it's available, i promise it won't be as tender and tasty, but your heart will thank you!\n\ntip: before reheating a chilled doggy-bag, peer inside to witness the white stuff sticking to your veins. to bring to temp, try steaming or spraying with a bit of water if nuking."^^ . . . "2011-01-08T00:00:00"^^ . "0"^^ . "0"^^ . "3"^^ .