"0"^^ . . "4"^^ . . . "5"^^ . "2013-07-18T00:00:00"^^ . "4"^^ . "Men, is it time to pop the question and give your future wife a ring that will drive her friends insane with envy? Women, has the question been popped but you've been presented with a ring from Jared or Costco or some other place where a million other brides will have the exact same design on their finger? Well look no further than a wedding ring workshop at Harold Studio. How could you possibly give your future spouse a more awesome, meaningful, and unique ring than one you literally made from nothing with your bare hands? Short answer, you can't. \n My wife and I spent a few hours with the owner, Johanna, melting, bending, pounding, learning, and laughing, and at the end we had wedding rings that people simply don't believe we made for each other. Literally no one in history EVER has the same ring as either of us. Just let how cool that is sink in for a minute. I'm as far from a creative or crafty person as they come, but Johanna is such a great, calm, and caring teacher that it all fell into place and I popped out a sweet ring for my love. \n Seriously, call the studio, set aside an afternoon, bring a bottle of wine (I don't really know if you can, but it's worth a shot), and design and produce a statement of love for each other that will never be produced again. It's mind-boggling just how cool this is."^^ .