"0"^^ . "1"^^ . . "2018-06-15T00:00:00"^^ . "0"^^ . . "I moved in before the management change. I was looking for something reasonably priced and big in a safe area. That's what I got. I took care of the roaches with borax and didn't have a problem. \n\nThen the new property managers come in. At first everything seems great. They're updating the apartments and pool and adding a gym. \n\nIn reality that meant nothing but headache because the repairs they wanted to do took absolute priority over the comfort of the existing tenants(they claim they're building a better community for us but I can't afford the new apartments which are over $1000 including water/sewer in EAST LAS VEGAS of all places) \n\nThey shut the water off every two weeks, sometimes with no warning, and claim the water can't be turned back on without the city(I spoke with contractors who claim this is bs but that's not relevant for the point I'm making). This is the most annoying thing imaginable, especially when you have a baby, and they really just brush everyone off when you complain because they don't care if we're uncomfortable, they just want their new apartments so they can rent them for more money. \n\nThey keep their garbage in the way so it's a hazard to drive in and out of the parking lot because there's only room for one car and you can't see around the corner to see if one is coming. \n\nThey announced the pool was open and then closed it without telling anyone and haven't opened it yet in the middle of June. There is no gym. \n\nWhen they painted the apartments they just put caution tape across our door and expected us to stay inside all day. \n\nI'm sure if you wait six months to rent these things won't be a problem(maybe, my friend lives at the vue and her water is off all the time too) and that's why they don't care that they're doing this to us now but I could never in good conscience tell anyone to rent from a company hell bent on gentrification with no concern for their tenants."^^ . . "0"^^ .