"2"^^ . "Was here for the 04/09/16 Guns n Roses concert. First off it was hot in there. It was pretty cold outside but inside I started sweating in the T-Shirt line and I had a thin shirt on. Turn the A/C up a little bit would you. Secondly, I still don't understand why an arena builder can't put in a sufficient amount of bathrooms. Several Men's rooms had lines out the door. Dudes are gonna start peeing in the sink if you make them wait for a urinal. Thirdly, There were lots a of places to buy alcohol but still not enough. You need more alcohol stations especially at a rock concert. Fourth, when the concert was over I bee lined it to the escalator to make a quick escape only to find the escalator not working and a crowd hovering over an employee holding everybody up for some unknown reason. Lastly, the signs telling you where the sections are, are misleading. They sent me 3/4 of the way around the arena because the back section is closed off during concerts and they don't want anybody walking in near the sections where nobody is sitting. So instead of getting to my seat quickly near where I entered, I had to make a fifteen minute trek around the arena to my section that I was so close to but not allowed to walk that way.\n\nFor this being a new arena, it was very underwhelming."^^ . . "2"^^ . "2016-04-12T00:00:00"^^ . "0"^^ . . "1"^^ . .