"2015-07-16T00:00:00"^^ . "1"^^ . "0"^^ . . "0"^^ . "I am more than pissed off with this tacky company. I spoke with the GM, Andrew and he doesn't know his arse from a hole in the ground. They are delivering merchandise between the hours of 6 to 9 p.m. Who does this? I have never heard of this? Why would you want workers in your home after 6 p.m. interrupting your evening after working hard all day.\n\nI spoke with the General Manager, Andrew; he was apathetic, unresponsive and had no clue about what could be done to even remotely address my dissatisfaction. He could not have done less, just sorry, sorry service. When I asked why delivery was set up this way, and he mentioned that it was due to the sale. and this is the only way they can meet the demand. This is the only way to meet demand? Nonsense! This is a management issue with someone who does not have the ability to move past the problem and can only resolve at the inconvenience of the customers.\n\nNow, I purchased my items a week ago, and it would seem that this would at least put my delivery in a normalized window. He shared that they are using Top Hat as the delivering agency, and i wouldn't tip my hat to him or them. Overall, I wish I could give a negative rating, the apathetic, wanton disregard and lackluster customer service has my blood pressure up!!\n\nWhile the price has been right, the service and knowledge is shitty. I asked three different people about a piece that is supposed to come on the range and no one had a clue. I plan to give as many bad ratings as I can for HHgregg. So, use you're LEGS and avoid HHgregg. It's your dollar, and ultimately does a company with such piss poor service really deserve any of your time or hard earned money? I think not!!"^^ . . "0"^^ . .