"9"^^ . "If you're a straight male like me, your sense of fashion has probably never evolved much past third grade.\n\n* Button-down 501's\n* Oxford button down shirt\n* Roper boots\n\nSo try Thaku's.\nThe owner, Neil, has dressed me for years. I simply go in, tell him the nature of the event, and he picks out the perfect outfit.\n\nI've got yellow, purple, and red sport coats.\nLinen pants.\nSilk ties.\nAnd custom made shirts that allow you to count my entire thirty pack.\n\nCrazy awesome props to Neil for making me look not only fashionable, but gay enough to get hit on by even the cutest of dudes.\n\nI don't believe I just said that."^^ . "5"^^ . . . "3"^^ . "3"^^ . . "2012-03-29T00:00:00"^^ .