"I was around Kensington Market a couple days ago and at the end of a cafe study session, began craving something to eat that's not too pricey and wanted to keep to my personal mantra of not exceeding $10 a day -- especially in downtown where I often splurge on something yummy -- and often mantra-damaging (chit ching). \n\nI revisited the nostalgic Banh Mi Ba Le, a modest-looking-Parisian-inspired diner on 538 Dundas St West where I was first brought here by a Vietnamese friend of mine who swears by their subs. \n\nMy few moments of brave but unauthentic demonstration of the Vietnamese language failed to register any understanding with the sweet-old lady behind the counter and I quickly retreated back to plain English to place my order for the shredded chicken sub. Good try.\n\nMy order began. It's a joy watching experienced hands manoeuvre around a freshly toasted baguette putting together a medley of fresh cilantro, cucumber and pickled julienne carrots onto a bed of lightly seasoned shredded chicken. \n\nNo one ingredient was standing out, but rather, all made up a rapport of texture, flavor and color -- very much how Toronto is, and according to the Economist, our city is the best one to live in the world. \n\nInterestingly, it's not number 1 in all areas, but, all major areas of life are ranked favorably and this consistency contributes to the greater picture of city liveability -- or, \"flavor-bility\" in the curious case of the Banh Mi sandwiches -- where there's a nice harmony of crunch, flavour and yums all wrapped up in this delicious $3.75 treat. \n\nI would highly recommend their subs if you're into a freshly toasted, nicely-crunched banh mi."^^ . . "0"^^ . "1"^^ . . "2015-08-16T00:00:00"^^ . "4"^^ . "2"^^ . .