"0"^^ . . . . "primantis is not for everyone. ill admit that its not this fantastical godsend some people make it out to be. its a big greasy sandwich with a unique combination of ingredients that can be hit or miss depending on your personal tastes and how you order it.\n\nwhy do i love primantis so much, then? because it is the hearts and soul of pittsburgh manifested in the form of a loaded sandwich. if you are from pittsburgh, even if you dont particularly like the sandwiches, primantis probably means something to you. its another point of pride for the city (or its sons and daughters) to rally around. just like the steelers, or the pens, or the goofy accents. its part of what makes pittsburgh unique and wonderful.\n\nwhenever i go home to visit, it has become a sort of ritual for me to get one. i do this because i cant get it anywhere else, its a distinct piece of home. i think i actually go to primantis more now than i did when i lived in pittsburgh. \n\nas far as my personal preferences, i like to go with either the corned beef or the pastrami with hot sauce and ketchup and if im feeling sassy ill get a fried egg on it.\n\nthe local favorite is the cheese steak, however i dont really find it that great. last time i got it i had the worst farts ever, i cant verify whether or not they were the sandwichs fault. if you would like to try the cheese steak anyway, i would like to warn you that its not what you typically think of when you hear \"cheese steak.\" its more comparable to a hamburger patty that a regular cheese steak. \n\nlastly, i want to make note of the fact that primantis is open 24 hours. this is great because primantis is the perfect drunk food. after all the bars close at 2 and you are wandering around the strip or southside, all boozed up with the munchies you can always rely on primantis to be there for you. and when this moment happens and you eat that sandwich, in your hungry inebriated state, it will be the most delicious food you have ever tasted.\n\ni recommend primantis to anyone visiting pittsburgh, youre not going to get anything like it anywhere else and it will help you feel the full effect of the town. if you live there you should probably be eating one right now."^^ . "4"^^ . "1"^^ . "2012-02-22T00:00:00"^^ . "5"^^ .