. "Horrible experience. No one greets you. Not even sure if I was to seat myself, so I waited for 10mins just to told where to sit finally. Had to be seated at the bar coz the tables were littered with dirty dishes, personal items (staff purses, keys, & used cups) scattered across the back of the bar. Instead of clearing away the dirty dishes, they stacked it up on one of the tables. They had 2 wait staff and didn't know who was covering which tables or maybe they just shared all their tables, which made for confusing service as they didn't know if orders were taken or not (as was the case with me!) and none was clearing tables even as more customers were coming through! \nReally didn't want to tip as truthfully, there was no service whatsoever, plus I waited for 15mins only to discover that my order didn't go through, and the waitstaff that took my order just went back to the one guy who seemed to be the only one allowed to punch in the orders and screamed my order at him. So from here on, another 10min wait with no apologies for not even putting in my order in the first place! Would've walked out if I wasn't so hungry already. Walked in at 1:15pm, didn't get food till 1:50pm. \nPretty disappointed with the Pho88 chains now. Used to love the ones in Sauga. No more...done with Pho88s."^^ . "0"^^ . . "1"^^ . "2"^^ . "0"^^ . "2018-01-27T00:00:00"^^ . .