"0"^^ . . "1"^^ . "4"^^ . . "IF YOU WANT A HAPPY WELL BEHAVED DOG!\nI've read the reviews and I'm surprised how these people don't get it. I called around to find a training program for my GSD when she was 7 weeks old. I found Barb. Barb is all about having the best dog, the dog I want to live with, without traumatizing it by choking it with a choke collar, hitting it, yelling at it, or saying \"no\" constantly. She is SO about keeping our dogs safe that sometimes she can be gruff, but the gruffness is about not missing opportunities with our dogs and about paying attention to our dogs in every moment. I've had dogs all my life and have trained them with the help of a trainer all my adult life. In the 80s and 90s, we used choke collars and loud scary voices. My dogs were well behaved but cowered and stuck their tails between their legs when they did something wrong. My newest puppy actually gets excited and acts out more if she's yelled at or feels threatened. She responds much better to positive reinforcement. Barb asks us to set our puppies' environment so they don't do things that we don't want them to do so we don't have to get angry or yell \"no\" all the time. My puppy loves going to puppy kindergarten. When she was really young, I didn't feed her after noon and now that she's older, I don't feed her after breakfast...I'm pretty sure, even though she's a very thin dog, that she's not going to starve to death, but boy does she love to train and get special treats like cheese and low fat hot dogs during class. When I forget my treats, I can buy them from Barb for a lot less than I can get them at the local pet stores. Barb gives us tools to help our puppies be less excited and anxious. Gently stepping on the leash a foot from the snap of my young puppy's leash, actually got her to calm down. She was soon lying down calmly with her head or paw on my foot, not traumatized at all. I have never had an issue with my puppy that Barb hasn't tried to help me resolve. Does she ask me to think about what I'm doing to cause the issue, YES! But I'm the human who knows what I want from my puppy. I'm the human who wants to make sure my puppy doesn't run into the street and get hit by a car. I'm the human who wants to make sure my puppy doesn't jump on people, or worse yet, bite them. Does Barb sometime address my issues gruffly? Yes, but she wants to make sure that I get the impact of my actions. When I change my behavior, my puppy changes...that's a powerful lesson...what more can I ask for."^^ . "0"^^ . . "2014-04-04T00:00:00"^^ .