. "2017-05-21T00:00:00"^^ . "Dad is 98.5 years old and has lost the strength and muscles in his legs necessary to stand and to walk. If he stayed in his assisted living facility he would have to move to a small memory care area where he might have received at least some assistance, but not necessarily the rehabilitative therapy he needed.\n\nAs he was being discharged from Novant Presbyterian Hospital in Matthews the case worker suggested nearby Carrington Place, a skilled nursing facility with a very capable and well-manned and equipped rehabilitation operation; but also long-term residential beds if that option became necessary for dad.\n\nLocated in the town of Matthews, NC the location is within 2 miles of the hospital and plenty of medical offices and specialist services. Very convenient to restaurants, shopping and other amenities, especially nice for out-of-town visitors.\n\nThe rehabilitation group is superb. Dad is engaged in both occupational and physical therapy six times a week. Joking with him he gave a resigned smile when I told him that he was back in boot camp. He is learning how to get out of bed and into a wheelchair, wheelchair to toilet and back again. He needs upper body strength building as well as balance and walking practice.\n\nWhat a wonderful crew of therapists. They care, they know what they are doing and they don't allow their patients to goof off or go through the motions. The patients have to work...and they do.\n\nSkilled nursing is on one side of Carrington Place with long-term care on the opposite side of the complex. The staff is excellent. A nice, focused and jovial group of people. And these are the ones that are there 24/7 responding to the bed call buttons seeking help to get to/from the bathroom or to get their medications and treatments. \n\nIt is a stark departure from assisted living where there might be three people on duty to cover six wings or ten rooms each. Three people to respond to over 60 patients. That is OK if the residents are generally healthy and ambulatory, but far from what is needed in skilled nursing facilities.\n\nCarrington offers excellent around the clock services and care. They know their patients and are very receptive to family and friends of their patients who come to visit. We get updates, they know what is going on and if they need any help from us, they get it.\n\nCarrington Place is an extension of our family. If dad improves and his assisted living facility agrees to and can meet his care needs, he will go back. If he cannot learn to transfer and does need to have a higher than assisted living care, he will become a resident in Carrington's long-term care area. \n\nWe have a family that picks up dad for church on Sundays, his deice can take him out and any of our family can access him and assist him. The Carrington staff is very cooperative and accommodating. \n\nWe hope for a return to assisted living and the independence it offers dad, but are comfortable with Carrington's long-term care if that is the best option for dad.\n\nWe will see."^^ . "4"^^ . . "4"^^ . . "1"^^ . "2"^^ .