"2015-08-10T00:00:00"^^ . "1"^^ . "4"^^ . "2"^^ . . "0"^^ . . . "We love ice cream! It is great having a new ice cream establishment to visit. The only other place we know to get scoopable ice cream is Baskin Robbins 31 flavors on Greenfield & Main or McClintock & Southern which are both quite far from our humble abode.\nThe good: \nWe were pleasantly surprised by the number of flavors offered. \nThe pink & white striped walls & the menu written in blackboard were cute.\nThe menu consisted of sundaes, scoops, shakes, rootbeer floats, pre-packed pints & pre-packs quarts in a cooler as well as bottled soda in a cooler.\nThere were samples of waffle cone on the counter.\nThe not so good:\nThe menu options weren't as varied as some places, for example, there was only 1 size rootbeer float & shake. \nMarshmallow is spelled incorrectly & there is an apostrophe s on the word SUNDAES on the blackboard menu. \nThe straw in my shake would NOT work. I went to the front to wait patiently for a spoon (there were none in my reach) but was ignored until my husband went directly to an employee who was scooping ice cream for another customer.\nIt was Sunday afternoon & there were only 2 teenage employees in the entire store, which resulted in a long line.\nThe seating area was pretty small so we were lucky to get a seat inside. \nThe chairs were padded with metal backs so it isn't a place you can comfortably sit down & enjoy your dessert like you can at Friendly's in Ohio or MacAlpine's Soda Fountain in Phoenix. \nThere was only 1 garbage can & it was overflowing."^^ .