"0"^^ . . "2013-10-26T00:00:00"^^ . . "0"^^ . . "5"^^ . "I live 1/2 mile from this store. The other reviews here are out of date. They remodeled the place a few months ago. When they did, I was irritated as I had to re-learn the whole place. Trust me, I have had issues with this store and some of the lame help they have had there many times in the past to the point I refused to go there for months. \n\nThat said, they have made very significant improvements since then. For example, I actualy bougt a USDA Prime steak there last week. No regular store here has that. I even found octopus in the frozen seafood dept. NOBODY has anything that \"sophisticated' here. Don't get me wrong, I know that almost nobody around here coupld give a rat's bum about octopus, but it it is nevertheless telling about how they are really trying to upograde the selections there. \n\nImportantly, they moved the liquor to the regular isles from the stupid loclked up in the front area. Now you can buy anything you want 24/7 without any hassle. They greatly improved the wine selection and the availability of the bottles from the past, when they had only two of each. \n\nTrust me readers, I would be the first guy to thow this place under the bus because they have P'd me off a million times. But finally they are doing all the right things. \n\nOnly beef I have is that thestill wait way too long in the AM to put out fresh bread. Once they wise up enough to fix that I will be a complete fan. If you live near here I strongly reccomend you give them one last try."^^ . "1"^^ .