. . "We have been using the Payroll company for a few months now and I am pretty unimpressed. It seems that their control systems could use a lot of work.\n\nOur problem stems from the fact that we changed our company's banking to a new bank. This should not cause any problem right? Companies do it all the time right? You would think this as I, of course, notified them of the change three months ago. I sent in a form and a voided check from the new account. .\n\nBut despite going through the process of doing all that. And despite the fact that they have pulled payroll from the new account. This past payroll they tried to pull the funds from the old account. When they got the NSF response they sent me a nasty-gram about the right to charge a $150 penalty.\n\nI alerted them to the fact that they might be trying the old account and gave them the last four digits of the new account. I also verified that there was amble funds to cover the payroll.\n\nToday I notice that they have pulled the payroll from our new bank account, twice. Now we are over drawn.\n\nI alerted them to the error and got a stock email reply with a case number. When I had heard nothing more after a couple hours I called. I was told that, \"Someone will get back to me later today.\" When you pull thousands of dollars out of someone's account mistakenly, I think you should have a better answer than, \"later today.\"\n\nI think moving our payroll to these guys was a mistake."^^ . "0"^^ . . "1"^^ . "4"^^ . "2013-04-15T00:00:00"^^ . "0"^^ .