"0"^^ . . "0"^^ . "*****Updated Review******\n\nI moved finally moved out of Parkside and thought that I should update my Yelp review to help others in the CU area be more informed about renting at this complex. Since I am a student at UIUC I had been paying my rent months early because it was easier for me to pay in advance with financial aid. I had to move out in the middle of April because I had been getting really sick. I actually had pneumonia 3 times in the 6 months leading up to the time I moved out. I had several doctors appointments and had been seen by a total of 4 independent MDs. Each of the doctors told me that I was having an allergic reaction to something in my home environment (i.e. Black Mold). This was surprising to me because I would never have expected something like that to happen to me, yet I wasn't surprised because I knew that the building I was staying in (1207 B) had experienced significant water damage which had never been fully repaired by the management.\n\nAfter addressing this issue with the management (Kyle), I was told that I would be released from the obligations of my lease and that I had to move out by that Friday.( Mind you, I had full-blown pneumonia and asthma while all of this was happening.) He assured me that they would be hiring an independent contractor that specializes in black mold to come and knock out walls and do tests on Friday. Miraculously, and with the help of some friends and family, I was able to have my belongings out by Wednesday that week. There are other people living in that building with families and small children. If I was having that kind of a reaction living there, then what were they going through? I served 9 years in the military and if you know anything about military service you know that asthma is a reason to disqualify you from entering the service. I have never had any sort of respiratory issues before in my life and this was extremely disconcerting, to say the least. Out of concern for myself and my neighbors, I filed a complaint with the City of Urbana ( the report is on file and is part of public record). The city inspector came out and inspected the building and my apartment. When he was finished, his report was multiple pages in length of violations that would need to be addressed by the management company.\n\nFast forward to early June. I became acutely aware that I had upset the management (Kyle and whoever his overlords are) because each time that I called and tried to get information about when I would be getting my security deposit back and the months of May/April prorated rent back I was met with a curt response. I did finally receive a letter in the mail explaining that the terms of my rental agreement were that I was responsible through the 31st of May even after Kyle had verbally released me from the lease. The letter also stated that not only was I not getting my rent and security deposit back, but that I owed them $51.30 because they needed to replace the carpet. One would assume that replacing the carpet would be a standard practice after a tenant has lived in a unit for over 4 years, apparently not so. I also ended up with a closet full of suits and business clothes being covered in dense dust that was coming from the ceiling. (I have no idea how it got that way because it was the inside of the closet with the door closed.) All of those clothes need to be dry cleaned and my best estimation is that it will be $300-$400 in total. \n\nLong story short here is that this place will not only take you for a \"financial ride,\" but there is also a chance that you could become sick. My advice is to move along and continue your search elsewhere. Don't believe me? Go to the City of Urbana and check out all of the complaints filed against them. It's all there and available to the public via the Freedom of Information Act.\n\nI should also note that Kyle had, on several occasions, asked me to remove my last review.\n\nGood luck to you in your search!!!\n\n*******See above for updated review**************\n\nThe apartments are pretty spacious and clean at Parkside. Generally speaking, the management is prompt and responsive to issues, that is unless you have a neighbor that smokes. The lease agreement at Parkside clearly states that it is a non-smoking building. However, if your neighbor smokes, there is absolutely nothing that will be done about it. After reading the fine print of your lease, you will find that they have crafted the language in such a way that they absolve themselves from any kind of responsibility for dealing with that sort of situation. I have complained to the management literally countless times and nothing has ever really been done to fix the problem. They \"talked to him.\" Or, \"we gave him a warning,\" which really means nothing. \n\nI would think twice about signing a lease at Parkside, especially if you despise cigarette smoke or have small children."^^ . . "2017-09-07T00:00:00"^^ . . "0"^^ . "1"^^ .