"1"^^ . . "0"^^ . . . "Writing a review, in hopes this barber improves and that what I experienced wasn't purposefully malicious:\n\nThe bad:\n1. Barber was very rough combing my hair (dry hair!), he did not bother spraying water to wet my hair to make it easier to comb my hair in the direction he needed to work in.\n2. He kept PULLING my hair with his comb AND his hands in the direction he wanted it to rest in. (the tugging was felt all the way down to the roots of my hair!) This is NOT how hair works! WET IT WITH WATER. If I bald sooner, it'll be because of this man, haha.\n3. Very roughly and speedily cut my hair while dry. The entire time he kept looking out the window or door as if he was expecting someone.. seriously.. Not cool. If not the case, but most likely was: I get being so pro that you don't have to look, but this leads to my next point:\n4. Uneven length of hair and use of thinning shears. I ended up with a cheap and choppy and uneven-looking haircut.\n5. Either his scissors were a bit dull or he grabbed too much hair at once while using a cutting-away motion, resulting a tugging of my hair. So more hair pulling at my roots.\n\nThe good:\n1. He took his time with the razor blade. Thank god, lol.\n2. Fade and taper was nice. Still a rushed job though. You could feel he was moving faster than the moving blade on his clipper machine could cut, so his machine was literally tugging my hair at times, so more pulling of my hair. Ouch.\n\nI could have spoke up, I know. My face was grimacing the entire time, read your customers, that should be a sign, plus who feels good after telling someone else how to do their job?\n\nI am alright with speed and efficiency, but if the End-Result is okay and the journey there is a rough experience, then this needs to change. My experience (and hair) suffered and I don't see myself coming back."^^ . "2017-11-10T00:00:00"^^ . "0"^^ . "0"^^ .