<http://data.yelp.com/Review/id/iyVhDVq0fUlw_ebWzuZXKA> <http://www.openvoc.eu/poi#coolReviews> "2"^^<http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#int> . <http://data.yelp.com/Review/id/iyVhDVq0fUlw_ebWzuZXKA> <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type> <http://purl.org/stuff/rev#Review> . <http://data.yelp.com/Review/id/iyVhDVq0fUlw_ebWzuZXKA> <http://www.openvoc.eu/poi#usefulReviews> "6"^^<http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#int> . <http://data.yelp.com/Review/id/iyVhDVq0fUlw_ebWzuZXKA> <http://schema.org/dateCreated> "2013-09-05T00:00:00"^^<http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime> . <http://data.yelp.com/Review/id/iyVhDVq0fUlw_ebWzuZXKA> <http://purl.org/stuff/rev#reviewer> <http://data.yelp.com/User/id/Ij7OcAO5FpoNKxS1RzNoWw> . <http://data.yelp.com/Review/id/iyVhDVq0fUlw_ebWzuZXKA> <http://schema.org/itemReviewed> <http://data.yelp.com/Business/id/zvVBDfGuo0ePnMehMCfWrg> . <http://data.yelp.com/Review/id/iyVhDVq0fUlw_ebWzuZXKA> <http://www.openvoc.eu/poi#funnyReviews> "1"^^<http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#int> . <http://data.yelp.com/Review/id/iyVhDVq0fUlw_ebWzuZXKA> <http://purl.org/stuff/rev#text> "Dr. Bauer had great reviews and so did the facility so this is ultimately why I chose to come here. I haven't had a primary in over 2 years I think and need a referral to an ENT so I decided that I needed to develop a relationship with a Dr. and maintain it since I plan on being here for a while.\n\nThe facility is right down the street from my house so nice and convenient. It is HUGE but they have a map at the entrance of the parking lot. When you walk in, you are immediately greeted by the girls at the front desk. They promptly take your information and have you sign the remaining paperwork if you didn't finish it online. You then wait for another lady to take your co-pay. From what it seems this office runs like a well oiled machine, but I thought it was interesting that the woman was copying the co-pays on paper in an old fashioned receipt book. It didn't take long, so I don't really care, I just would have figured since they have online technology for their patients that they would have something for themselves.\n\nAnyway, a nurse came and got me and did the whole vitals thing and checked height and weight and what not and then I was placed in a room to wait for Dr. Bauer. It took her about 5 minutes and she was in and introducing herself, reviewing my paperwork and talking to me about me. She was really nice and straightforward which I liked - down to business. Please don't take it for her being impersonal because it isn't, shes a busy doctor and wants to give you the best focus she can and I like that.\n\nShe checked me out and everything was fine as I knew and she also quickly gave me a referral for an ENT in the same building and had me request my old records. For a first time visit, this only took 45 minutes which was less than I was expecting.\n\nDr. Bauer and the staff are great and I hope when and if I need anything more serious I can prove them right even further as to how good they are. Hopefully that's not the case but I can already tell they will be awesome."^^<http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string> . <http://data.yelp.com/Review/id/iyVhDVq0fUlw_ebWzuZXKA> <http://purl.org/stuff/rev#rating> "5"^^<http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#int> .