"1"^^ . "2013-09-23T00:00:00"^^ . "0"^^ . "0"^^ . "2"^^ . . . . "Every Sunday, I see exactly the same people. These faces are some of my most committed recurrences, and I couldn't put a name to any of them.\nThis Starbucks location has the friendliest staff I have encountered of any Starbucks. This could be that they know my face, and I am somehow given the 'regulars' treatment. I hope not, because I don't know anyone here. I barely make any eye contact with the people I recognize from my Church buying coffee here. This location caters mainly to the residents of Deer Park. \nOn Sunday mornings, if I manage to get a seat by the window, I would stare out into the streets and watch the unending black yoga pants and neon coloured shirt locals jog down Yonge Street, breathing in all that car exhaust. \n\nThere are almost always one or two panhandlers directly outside, or closer to the Tim Horton's directly next door. There is a small area to secure your dog's leash out front while you buy your coffee. \nCoffee here tastes much like coffee anywhere.\n\nThe cleanliness here varies from pretty clean, to not very clean. I would like it if they'd clean it more often. It's very boring, not much can be said. \nOne thing good about this place is that you won't find beanie wearing people who live off of free WIFI, considering its Deer Park, and everyone here can afford such things on their own.\n\nI don't foresee myself shaking hands and shooting smiles at familiar faces here any time soon."^^ .