"2"^^ . "2"^^ . "Utterly unimaginative selection. \n\nI struggle to find the ephemeral reason the hairs on my neck bristle like cactus pines and my guts grit and roll like a cement machine whenever I browse this location. \n\nThen I figured it out. \n\nBasic. Basic. Basssssfuckingic. If you want to completely and unabashedly fit in with the boring whatever yawnclub crowd -- not even the seapunks and mermaids-- then this is seriously the place. I should say \"accountants and invisibles\", because yawnclub makes them sound much cooler than they are. Trust: you don't want to be part of the yawnclub. \n\nIt's catered to suck the last bits of turista winnings before they hop LAS home. \n\nIn so doing, they've cultivated the perfect antipalette of H&M offerings to offend absolutely no one and sell to absolutely anyone. Consider each walk through the doorway a $25 cha-ching sound. Always. They can somehow sneak $44-68 from you like it's frivolous gum money. You can't enter the damn store without being unoffended and entranced enough to find some boring piece of shit garment that's going to at least semi fit with your overall style picture. You'll just later look at it after the club music and shopamine highs wear off and need a Pepto Bismol shot for the wrenching gut you get looking at your new garment in the harsh light of day. And if you're a conscious consumer you'll not just later hate yourself but also all the Indonesian and Pakistani children who made it and the Swedish billionaires who commissioned it. Especially the fucking Swedish billionaires. \n\nIf you have at least some style and like cheap shit, cross this H&M off your list. (I wish I had a better go-to option, but the best stores in LV only have a 1-3 year shelflife. And there is no Uniqlo in LV yet, though it desperately needs one. \u00AF\\_(?)_/\u00AF)"^^ . . "2"^^ . . . "1"^^ . "2017-11-23T00:00:00"^^ .