<http://data.yelp.com/Review/id/eZHjTsDEA-MZ61usYE9OIQ> <http://purl.org/stuff/rev#reviewer> <http://data.yelp.com/User/id/MrsRJa4SWLq8XLU1RtPdlw> . <http://data.yelp.com/Review/id/eZHjTsDEA-MZ61usYE9OIQ> <http://www.openvoc.eu/poi#funnyReviews> "0"^^<http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#int> . <http://data.yelp.com/Review/id/eZHjTsDEA-MZ61usYE9OIQ> <http://schema.org/itemReviewed> <http://data.yelp.com/Business/id/L2c-qKZWumCmOCR-dqBLrg> . <http://data.yelp.com/Review/id/eZHjTsDEA-MZ61usYE9OIQ> <http://purl.org/stuff/rev#text> "First off.... they have a real deal drink selection. The beers are just like all the other taps around, (good quality independent brews) I have had a \"steak salad\" ( I forgot the official name of it) and the meat was a bit tough for me, I politely stacked it into a napkin and at the greens. I have rocked some sliders.. those are pretty great. There was a time when I was so very much in the mood for a Tuna Melt. I mean... a good tuna melt is so damn good. I got a tuna salad sandwich with cheese melted onto one of the pieces of bread. Not much tuna melt action. Eye of the beholder though, I get that. I appreciate that they are downtown, and quite busy often. That's good energy, not a bunch of drunko ass frats being all loud and pukey. The staff is absolutely awesome. bar, servers, everyone. My lack of a couple stars is due to the couple of times I didn't really dig the food."^^<http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string> . <http://data.yelp.com/Review/id/eZHjTsDEA-MZ61usYE9OIQ> <http://www.openvoc.eu/poi#coolReviews> "0"^^<http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#int> . <http://data.yelp.com/Review/id/eZHjTsDEA-MZ61usYE9OIQ> <http://schema.org/dateCreated> "2014-03-05T00:00:00"^^<http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime> . <http://data.yelp.com/Review/id/eZHjTsDEA-MZ61usYE9OIQ> <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type> <http://purl.org/stuff/rev#Review> . <http://data.yelp.com/Review/id/eZHjTsDEA-MZ61usYE9OIQ> <http://www.openvoc.eu/poi#usefulReviews> "1"^^<http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#int> . <http://data.yelp.com/Review/id/eZHjTsDEA-MZ61usYE9OIQ> <http://purl.org/stuff/rev#rating> "3"^^<http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#int> .