"$100 to sit your ass anywhere except concrete??? Come on!!!\n\nWe went on \"Industry Mondays\" where ladies get in free until 3pm. They kept us waiting in line for over half an hour for no reason. The place was nearly empty. \n\nNow I'll stop complaining. \n\nIt's beautiful. Really beautiful. It's hard to describe, you really just need to go and see for yourself. Steve Wynn spared no details. Music was on point, the place was packed by 5, and there's eye candy everywhere. Beautiful bodies, swimsuits, tattoos and free mimosas for the ladies (woo hoo!) The mid-pool stripper poles are great in concept, but women should really self-evaluate whether or not they should be up there (looks or talent)... a very hot Israeli next to me kept laughing his ass off and saying...\"wow, American girls are reeeeeaaallly confident, aren't they?\"\n\nOverall, not a place to go every week, but for the occasional budget blowout, nothing in vegas tops it."^^ . . "0"^^ . "0"^^ . "3"^^ . . . "2010-06-25T00:00:00"^^ . "0"^^ .