. "5"^^ . . "AMAZING!! Arbor Care is THE PLACE TO GO FOR TREE TRIMMING!! They are TRUE TREE PROFESSIONALS and there is a TRAINED ARBORIST ON YOUR JOB!! Howard is incredibly knowledgeable and he and his team did an outstanding job!! It is hard to find the combination of knowledgeable, good customer service, great clean up, and friendly people all in one....but they were all of the above. My trees look AWESOME!! I had no idea how Mesquites were actually suppose to look when trimmed properly. If everything I have already said isn't enough, they were the least expensive of the 3 quotes I received. I would highly recommend saving yourself the time researching and getting multiple quotes like I did, just call Arbor Care, you will be happy you did!! Thank you so much Howard for your dedication to taking such pride in your work and thank you for having such a wonderful team too!! Thank you Burt for answering all my questions up front when I received your quote! I truly appreciate Arbor Care and Howard, you will be the only one trimming my trees from now on. Thank you, your new loyal customer!!"^^ . "2016-06-30T00:00:00"^^ . "0"^^ . "14"^^ . "16"^^ . .