"2"^^ . "1"^^ . "Interviewed for a specific job at another AppleOne branch (wasn't selected), then decided to check with the Sahara branch in the hopes of getting some temporary clerical. I did temp work years ago elsewhere, so I had an idea of what to expect. I came in appropriately dressed with a copy of my resume as requested. The interview with Sharon seemed to go well, and she said she could likely get me some temp clerical work, especially if I could work short notice. Perfect! That's exactly what I was looking for through AppleOne. \n\nAfter the interview, I made the requested resume changes and followed up on the skills testing I still needed to complete (the 1st AppleOne branch didn't do it). Sharon said I could do it online, but never gave me any info on how to do that. (Seemed weird, because I thought AppleOne did their testing in-office? I'd have been happy to come back to the office on another day for testing, but that was never presented as an option.) Followed up again the next day on the testing, and she never called or e-mailed me back. Am I supposed to keep calling and harrassing her until she lets me takes some tests? If so, what will I have to do for an assignment?\n\nPretty sure they were just giving me the brush-off. A lot of reviews elsewhere of AppleOne and this branch in particular are not at all positive -- apparently a lot of people never get called back and never get assignments. It's been several months since I did that interview, and I think in all that time I got one generic, mass e-mail from this branch about some positons they were trying to fill that I wasn't qualified for. Nothing else.\n\nIf you don't mind spending the time to check it out, go ahead. Just don't believe what they tell you, don't believe you'll actually get work through them, and don't expect them to call you back."^^ . "2012-08-09T00:00:00"^^ . . "0"^^ . . . "8"^^ .