"1"^^ . . "0"^^ . "1"^^ . . "5"^^ . "HORRIBLE!! STAY AWAY!! We kept our dog here overnight several times over the years, even before the kennels they now have, when our Yorkie stayed by himself in an open area. Now they they keep the animals locked up in kennels all day. RED FLAG NOTE: they still never ask to see shot records from a vet.\n\nLast week we had an appointment to bring in our 2 dogs by 5 pm, the time they close. We got there at 4:43 pm, and they were already closed. We had nowhere to bring our dogs. Good thing we didn't have a flight to catch. We did, however, have plans to leave town at 6 am, and this place doesn't open until 9. So begrudgingly we get there just after 9, and the owner is there at the register all happy, welcoming in our dogs. When I explained that we were there the night before, she giddily replied that they closed at 4:30 (granted, it was Saturday on Labor Day Weekend but still--out of the blue--they just closed early, despite our appointment). She said that an employee wrote down that we'd be there by 2 pm. No, I said, by 5 pm. I asked why didn't we get a call to confirm the appointment? They don't do that she said, because people don't show up all the time anyway. (That figures.) She couldn't have cared less when I told her we were supposed to be in Orange County by 10 am.\n\nAs she punched the total into the register and asked for the money, I did one of the things that Vegas revolves around, and what most normal people expect from the owner of a business who should provide customer service: I asked for a 1 night comp (of the 2 we scheduled). No, I can't, she said. She still has to \"watch the dogs.\" I said, well, how about something to make up for the mistake? Looking me dead in the eye she snidely said no, she \"can't.\" I said, fine, I'll keep them there that night. Get ready for what she said.... \"WHY ARE YOU BEING A JERK?\" she said! She actually said that to me, a (repeat) customer! I was not being rude whatsoever as my all-too-honest other half attested to right there in the shop. It was mind-boggling. Are you kidding me? I confusedly repeated that I said I'd keep my dogs there, and she angrily said forget it, take them, I don't want them here. Wow. There are plenty of vets who will take your dogs, she said. Then she had her assistant bring the dogs back to us and wished us a good trip. Imagine that, how weird. We always thought she had a screw loose. We were right. She's not balanced and cannot treat her customers with respect.\n\nThis lady didn't even remotely consider hearing me or offer any compensation (fine, that's her prerogative, which is why I agreed to keep my dogs there), or at the very least offer any acknowledgement or an apology. Sure, it was my word against her employee's as to what time we'd be there, but the mistake was theirs, and ultimately I had to pay for it by getting to my destination late. We did find another kennel and they were awesome and professional.\n\nStay away from this place."^^ . . "2015-09-13T00:00:00"^^ .