"2012-01-30T00:00:00"^^ . "5"^^ . . "0"^^ . "2"^^ . . "0"^^ . . "I took my chihuahua puppy here last Sat. and it was her (and my) first time at a dog's park. We felt so welcome by the people that was there, all very friendly. They recommended us to start at one of the enclosures that is reserved for small or timid/shy dogs. Eventually my dog felt more confident about interacting with other dogs, so we went to the other side. \nIn the other enclosure the area is bigger and there are training obstacles. In both areas they have benches and tables.\nWe are definitively coming back!\n\nExcelente lugar para traer perros peque\u00F1os y para primerizos o con poca experiencia socializando ya que cuentan con dos areas separadas, para perros mas activos y para perros timidos. La gente ha sido muy amable conmigo y mi chihuaha de 4 meses y medio.\nImportante tener en cuenta que el perrito debe tener mas de 4 meses y todas sus vacunas antes de traerlo al parque!"^^ .