"0"^^ . "2015-03-10T00:00:00"^^ . . "3"^^ . "2"^^ . "0"^^ . . . "Disclaimer: I've avoided making a Yelp account to review restaurants, but my first dining experience here was so unforgivable that I gave in and made an account. This review is majority focused on the customer service that I faced on 2015/03/08. The \"2\" rating that I give is the average of a 1-star rating for customer service, and a 3-star rating for the actual food.\n\nSo on to the review.\n\nOn 2015/03/08, I went to this restaurant to eat Dim Sum with a big group of relatives (12 people). My aunt had chosen this restaurant (as she is a regular), but it was my first time. Here is a timeline of events that transpired on that day:\n\n12:30pm: We put in our order.\n\n01:00 pm (30 minutes after order): We ask a waiter (for the first time) to check up on our food, as not a single plate had arrived. They said their systems had been down for a while, so they could not put the order in.\n\nQuestion 1: Why would your staff not notify the customers of the delay?\nQuestion 2: Is your staff so reliant on technology these days that you cannot manually forward an order to the kitchen when the system is down?\n\n01:15pm (45 minutes after order): Apparently the systems are back up. A waiter/waitress returns with an electronic printout of our items for tracking purposes.\n\n01:30pm (1 hour after order): We ask a waiter/waitress to check up on our order again (second time). They tell us not to worry, as it should be coming now that the system is up.\n\n01:45pm (1 hour and 15 minutes after order): We ask another waiter/waitress to check up on our order (third time). They walk away momentarily (I'm assuming they went to \"check\" for us), and return with the same reply that the food should be coming.\n\n02:00pm (1 hour and 30 minutes after order): We ask another waiter/waitress to check up on our order (fourth time), making clear that we have now been waiting for over 1.5 hours (or perhaps some will count it as 45 minutes from the time the system came back up). At this point, some tables around us (that only sat down at around 15 minutes ago) have their food. I am usually a patient person, but perhaps 1.5 hours is my limit, so I get up to put on my jacket, hinting that perhaps we should leave. Unfortunately for me, my relatives are super laid back, and as mentioned before, my aunt is a regular, so they decide to continue waiting.\n\n02:15pm (1 hour and 45 minutes after order): At this point, my relatives have also had it with the waiting. We all get up to leave, and my aunt signals to one of the waitresses to cancel our order. Perhaps now that things have actually gotten serious (in a sense that they were going to lose $200+ revenue), they finally do a thorough check up (fifth time) on our order and tell us that the order was just put in not too long ago, as they had completely missed it (even though we got the electronic printout a while back).\n\nQuestion 3: What the hell did your staff do the first few times they checked up? Were they so incompetent that they could not trace through a few stages of order processing to see what point our order was at?\n\n02:16pm (1 hour and 46 minutes after order): Our food starts to arrive. One of the staff offers a complimentary shrimp fried rice for our inconvenience. Out of respect for my aunt, we stay for the meal.\n\nQuestion 4: Shrimp fried rice? Seriously? Any reputable restaurant with good customer service would have probably offered the meal for free (or at a significant discount) at the 1 hour mark. However, even if the meal was free, I would not be satisfied - taking the old saying that \"time is money\", even if all 12 people were making minimum wage (and I don't mean Asian \"under the table\" minimum wage, I mean Ontario 2015 minimum wage of $11/hr), we'd still be at a net loss for our collective time wasted.\n\nConclusion: With everything that has been said above, I must make clear that the food is not bad, but food is not the only factor when it comes to rating a restaurant. The customer service provided by the staff is equally important, and the waiters/waitresses that we encountered that day were clearly incompetent. With so many food choices around the Richmond Hill area, I see no reason to return here ever again."^^ .