. "0"^^ . "1"^^ . "1"^^ . "0"^^ . "2018-05-07T00:00:00"^^ . . "I had new flooring installed on the second story of my home and needed to move two twin extra long beds, a mattress, and a 3 X 2 dresser back upstairs. Additionally, I needed an old love seat, which was located upstairs and an old mattress located in my garage to be placed on the curve for haul away by Republic Services. Unfortunately, I'm a paralyzed veteran and couldn't move the items myself. Therefore, I contacted Keith who I found on Craigslist to get an estimate.\n\nKeith stated that he could do the job for $80. Initially, I was extremely pleased with both the price and their availability, as it was a Sunday morning. He said he'd arrive between 1-2. I had another appointment that day, so I called to ensure they'd be on time. A pleasant lady answered and confirmed that they were running on schedule. but they weren't. Keith and his partner arrived thirty minutes late. I explained to them what I needed and told them I would meet them upstairs to let them know where to place the furniture. After moving the first bed upstairs, Keith informed me of some damage to one of my walls, which occurred during the move. I told him it was not a big deal. As they brought the second bed upstairs, Keith told me that my beds are \"mechanical beds.\" I did forget to mention to him that they were adjustable base twins and I apologized to him. However, it was not intentional. I simply didn't think about it when we spoke on the phone. At this point all he had to do was charge me extra and I would've gladly paid, but he continued whining and complaining right in front of me. Then his partner chimed in and said, \"these aren't twins either, they're fulls.\" I tried to explain to him that they were twin beds, but they weren't having it. Keith, told his partner something to the effect of, don't you love when customers lie to you then they argue with you. I didn't lie and wasn't arguing with them. \n\nI returned downstairs. They moved the dresser and completed the job in less than 45 minutes. I apologized to Keith once again and gave him an extra twenty dollars for the extra work. After, they left I noticed an approximately 4-5' scratch on my brand new floor. I called Keith and this is when things got interesting. Keith absolutely lost his mind. He began attacking me. He said \"I know your kind, I knew it the second I saw you, I should've just turned around and left.\" I was taken back since he seemed cordial when he walked in my house. Then he proceeded to say that \"you were nit picking, while we were there\" I guess if a homeowner tells the movers where they want their furniture moved they're being \"nit picky.\" The attack continued, with \"We're moving your filthy SH#T around and you're complaining about a FUC@#NG scratch. Yeah, I'm complaining about a 4-5' scratch in newly installed flooring, which costs a few thousand dollars. He suggested that he return to my house and give me a refund. I told him that I didn't want a refund. I installed the flooring just one day prior and I wanted it fixed. Then it got really weird. He asked me if I knew how much money he made and proceeded to tell me he makes tons of $. Ok, great then take care of the repairs and stop being confrontational with your customers. \n\nAs his tantrum continued he directed his ire to the placement of my wheelchair at the top of the stairs. He was pissed off that after I got onto my stair lift I left my wheelchair in their way at the top of the landing. Well sorry buddy if I could use my legs I would've gladly moved it out of your guys way. Later I found a plastic cover from one of the dresser legs on the stairs. So, apparently they knocked it off when they were moving the dresser upstairs. The unprotected dresser leg scratched the flooring when they pushed it across the room. Anyhow, if you decide to use this guy be prepared for his meltdown if something goes wrong. As I told him in a text, SH@T happens, it's all how you handle it. I've never experienced anything like this and hope I never do. I'm just glad that after a lot of hard work the scratch came out, because I truly believe he wouldn't have compensated me to repair the damage. If I had to do it over again, I would've gladly paid someone else an extra $50 to avoid dealing with this guy. Lastly, if you're a person with disabilities and hire this guy, make sure your disability doesn't inconvenience him in any way. Horrible experience."^^ . .