"2009-07-02T00:00:00"^^ . . "This will be my first review in a slew of yoga studio reviews as I tour the city as a funemployed person masked as a yogi.\n\nIt's a little hard for me to review this place since I am not a hot yoga convert. That being said I'd definitely go back - here's why.\n\n1) cute space\n2) nice teacher\n3) clean and cozy facility\n4) they offer a work for classes set-up - you volunteer and get free yoga in return\n5) felt great after\n6) friendly students\n\nOverall, I liked it here. I was glad no one else came with me because I spent about half the class splayed out on the floor. If you've been a yoga practitioner in the past this can be pretty annoying (as it was for me). I found the yoga postures to be a nice level of challenging, however, every time I stood up I felt dizzy and nauseous. It was SO HOT. That sucked. I felt like a yoga loser. Seriously. But the teacher was really sweet and before I even entered the studio she said \"first time? your goal is to STAY IN THE ROOM.\" And so every time I thought about walking out I thought to myself \"my goal is to stay in the room\" and I knew it was doable. \n\nI wish they had a clock in the studio, boy would that have helped. I did drink water all day long in anticipation for the class. I think next time I might also pre-freeze a bottle of water so I could have an ice-cold water. \n\n4 stars for the studio, 1 star off for the freakin' heat."^^ . . "4"^^ . "3"^^ . . "4"^^ . "3"^^ .