. "0"^^ . "No stars!! This place is a freaking joke!! They require you to go in for an office visit for a \"new\" prescription even if one of their doctors flat out told you at your visit with them a month ago to just call when you need anything in regards to your diabetic supplies. And then I just got a call that says I owe them a copay for my physical because 'pre-existing' was discussed. Well it was a physical for a new pt, of course that is going to be discussed, how else are they going to know your back ground!! They are trying to tell me they have to bill both a standard office visit and a physical which is total bull crap!! I'm in billing, I know how it works! All they are after is more money from me and more money from my insurance!! This place is a racket!! DO NOT EVER GO TO THIS PLACE!!!! It's a giant SCAM!!!!"^^ . "0"^^ . "2"^^ . "2017-04-28T00:00:00"^^ . . "1"^^ . .