"0"^^ . "0"^^ . "2016-05-12T00:00:00"^^ . "2"^^ . . . "6"^^ . . "So I knew I was taking a gamble coming to this place because of the mixed reviews. Unfortunately, it did not pay off this time. It's really sad because I thought the massage itself was fine. It wasn't the worst, it wasn't the best I've ever had, but I probably could have left feeling relaxed and happy. Sadly, I left feeling guilty and shamed. \n\nI've been to a couple reflexology places now so I felt I kind of knew what to expect. They seemed friendly enough at first but there were little things throughout the massage that bothered me. First, the towel that I put my feet on was kind of damp, which freaked me out because I had the impression that clean towels used for drying your feet, should be dry. So all I could think about was if they had previously used this towel on someone else before me. Then during the massage, the ladies were talking to each other while they were massaging us in Chinese, which I didn't really care for. The lady massaging me also didn't check on me and ask how I was feeling or if I needed any adjustments to pressure. For review sake, they do ask you to take off your shirts and my lady actually unclasped my bra which surprised me. You are not in private rooms and actually anyone passing, can probably see you. Even if you are covered with a towel. So just be aware of that. In general, I felt like she didn't care too much for how relaxed I was feeling and was basically just doing her job. Which is fine. \n\nThe thing that really ruined it for me was that when we finished the massage, I left a 20% tip and one of the ladies massaging us made a comment \"Hard work..\" in like a disappointed/accusatory tone. Which implied that I was a cheap tipper. I usually do tip more but the massage wasn't mind blowing and I thought what I gave was fair for what we got. But to have the audacity to say something like that to my face for someone in a service industry... Any other person in any other massage place would get fired for that. And why? Because I'm never going to go there again. But if she hadn't said anything, and just complained about it after we had left like everyone else in the industry does, I probably might have gone back there.\n\nI do feel some empathy because it is hard work... But #rude! If they feel like they aren't being paid enough, then they should complain to the owner to raise the prices instead of forcing people to pay tips or shaming people for not tipping 40%. Or get another job. What can I say. Service industry is about good service. And you only get paid when you provide it."^^ .